We’ve Spearheaded Laws BUT…

Companies are not required to let you know that you are no longer bound by forced arbitration clauses and NDAs if you are a survivor or a witness of sexual harassment or assault at work. We are here to help you.

 Forced Arbitration

Thanks to the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act, you have the right to publicly file a lawsuit in court for sexual misconduct, rather than be forced into the secret chamber of arbitration.

What is forced arbitration, and are you one of 60 million Americans impacted?

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Thanks to the Speak Out Act, you are no longer bound by a predispute NDA and/or non-disparagement agreement if you have experienced sexual harassment or assault at work.

NDAs can pop up anywhere in your paperwork, anytime in your employment history.

 What your company can do right now

Take this language and bring it to your organization to end these silencing mechanisms right now.

“As I have personally experienced, systems that silence survivors prevent them from speaking truth to power. Those silencing systems protect predators rather than survivors and harm women, people of color, and others in every aspect of their lives.

I applaud the fight that Lift Our Voices is undertaking to dismantle those systems, give survivors back their voices, and create respectful environments for every single one of us."

— ANDOWAH NEWTON, Advocate, Attorney, Non-Profit Founder

Enough is enough

We’re working to get rid of the legal jargon in contracts that purposely confuses workers and protects predators - and bad behavior - in the workplace.